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If you have a complaint about any aspect of our school services value we are keen to here from you. If you would rather not use your name just enter the word "Anonymous" or "Withheld" in the spaces designated for Name and Email.
A. General Information:
B. Stakeholder Information:
C. Complaint Details:
1. Please set out your information as clearly and as briefly as possible.
2. Focus on facts.
3. Have you raised this complaint with anyone before? If so, who did you speak to and what was the result?
4. What is the result you are seeking?
Note: You can provide details of your complaint on a separate piece of paper if you need more space. Please attach it to this form when you send it to us.
D. Confidentiality:
Your personal information and details for your complaint will remain confidential. However, the information you provide may be provided to the Owner of the School, the School Principal or the Academic Director. Regards, T.I.S. Administration.
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