T.I.S. is highly committed towards providing students with the best level of education. We persevere and strive to acquire necessary accreditation to reach the pinnacle of academic excellence.
A. T.I.S Accreditation & Center Certifications:
Thamer International Schools are accredited as NCA member of AdvancED Accreditation.
T.I.S offers both the British and American Curricula:
IGCSE/GCE–A-level for the British trend.
American High School Diploma (SAT/Collage Board).
T.I.S. is accredited by KSA Ministry of Education as a Leading International School.
T.I.S. is the assigned CIE Attached Center in Jeddah-KSA (Attached Cambridge Examination Exam Center for both boys & girls)
Thamer International Schools proudly announce that it became officially a certified SAT examination center starting May, 2017.
T.I.S. provides its students with several accredited certified Standardized Tests:
Checkpoint for both Primary & Secondary Cambridge Exams-UK trend.
EXAM MAP-American trend.
DELF–French Standardized Test.
B. Future Planned Accreditations: